
Sunday 4 August 2013

Perbezaan Sikap Lelaki dan Perempuan

Adakah perbezaan ini ada persamaan didalam diri anda atau mungkin juga ada persamaan daripada penilaian anda terhadap pasangan anda?. (L) bermaksud lelaki. (P) bermaksud perempuan. Jom kita nilai diri dan pasangan kita.

(L) Mempunyai ego tersendiri yg menyebabkan sukar menerima pertolongan orang lain dan pandangan orang lain terutama sekali pasangannya.
(P) Mudah menerima dan terpengaruh degan pandangan orang lain lebih-lebih lagi degan orang yang dicintainya.

(L) Sekiranya mengalah, menunjukkan tanda tidak bermaruah atau berprinsip.
(P) Mengalah tanda sayang dan pengorbanan yg tidak berbelah bagi.

(L) Menilai kejayaan dan diri berdasarkan hasil atau prestasi yg berlaku didepan mata.
(P) Seringkali menilai diri berdasarkan perasaan dan kualiti hubungan sesama manusia terutamanya org yg disayangi.

(L) Suka menyendiri dan menjauhkan siri apabila berada dlm keadaan tertekan.
(P) Suka bercerita kpd org lain tentang masalah yg sedang dihadapi dgn harapan mendapat simpati.

(L) Mempunyai emosi spt getah iaitu sesuatu perasaan itu hanya sekejap shj.
(P) Mempunyai emosi seperti ombak iaitu suatu perasaan yg lambat reda.

(L) Biasanya suka memberi arahan bersifat ketua yg mempunyai kuasa.
(P) Suka berleter mengenai sesuatu perkara sehingga puas hati.

(L) Bersikap pemurah atau boros.
(P) Bersifat kedekut atau berjimat.

(L) Mempunyai fikiran yang bersifat makro iaitu melihat secara keseluruhan.
(P) Mempunyai penilaian bersifat mikro iaitu melihat sesuatu secara terperinci.

(L) Tidak fokus kepada sesuatu perkara
(P) Fokus kepada sesuatu perkara.

(L) Mempunyai perasaan cinta yang setia dan lebih fleksibel.
(P) Cinta sepenuh hati dan setia pd yg satu.

(L) Suka menyendiri dan berdiam diri apabila imej tergugat
(P) Mudah marah, cemburu atau merajuk apabila imej tergugat.

(L) Bila berkomunikasi kurang teliti mendengar tapi cepat memberi pendapat.
(P) Mendengar dgn teliti sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan.

(L) Lebih banyak menumpukan kepada aspek fizikal dan kebendaan.
(P) Lebih menumpukan aspek perasaan dan kemanusiaan

(L) Meminta bantuan kerana malas atau tidak berupaya.
(P) Meminta dan memberi bantuan sebagai tanda sayang dan hendak bermanja.

(L) Akan melawan dan menjauhkan diri dan membisu seribu bahasa apabila berlaku pertengkaran.
(P) Biasanya mengalah dan berpura-pura setuju dengan pasangannya.

(L) Tidak suka bercakap tentang pasangannya
(P) Suka bercerita tentang pasangannya dan menghormatinya

(L) Agak keberatan meminta maaf
(P) Lebih mudah meminta maaf

(L) Dapat menyesuaikan diri apabila menghadapi kesukaran
(P) Risau apabila menghadapi kesukaran

(L) Suka MEMBUAT keputusan
(P) Suka MENGIKUT keputusan

(L) Terasa selesa berjauhan dgn keluarga
(P) Suka bersama keluarga

(L) Berfikir jangka panjang dalam pelbagai perkara, penyelesaian untuk kebaikan jangka panjang
(P) Berfikir cara pendek yang lebih hanya untuk selesaikan sesuatu cara dengan cepat

Saturday 13 July 2013

Resepi Kuih Ringkas




  • 1 pek agar-agar
  • 1 1/2 cawan gula
  • 1 cawan air pandan (blender pandan)
  • 1 sudu teh pewarna hijau
  • 4 cawan air
  • 2 cawan santan pekat
Cara-cara membuatnya :

1) Masukkan agar-agar, gula, 4 cawan air dan 1 cawan air pandan ke dalam periuk. Rebus sehingga agar2 hancur sepenuhnya.
2) Masukkan pewarna hijau. Gaul rata.
4) Masukkan santan.Tunggu sehingga menggelegak sekali dan boleh matikan api.
5) Tapis adunan ke dalam bekas dan biarkan sejuk.
6) Masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk supaya lebih sedap di makan.



  •  1 tin jagung 
  • 1 tin susu cair
  • 1 1/2 cawan gula
  • 1 1/2 cawan tepung kastad
  • 3 cawan air
  • garam secubit


  1. Campurkan semua bahan dalam kuali  
  2. Masak atas api sederhana/kecil sehingga kental dan berkilat 
  3. Masukkan puding yang telah masak ke dalam loyang 
  4. Sejukkan dulu disuhu bilik 
  5. Sejukkan dalam peti sejuk.



  • Kulit popia yang besar
  • Nestum
  • Gula kastor/ Gula kasar di blend
  • Air 1 sudu ( untuk gam kulit popia yang dah digulung)


1-Gulung kulit popia dengan lidi satay.
2- Gunting serong, then goreng hingga kekuningan
3. Blend nestum dengan gula.
4- Masukkan nestum yang sudah di blend dalam balang. Masukkan  popia yang dah goreng dan goncangkan.


Bahan-bahan :

  • 200gm bubble rice perisa coklat
  • 200gm hirisan coklat masakan (dicairkan dgn teknik double boil)
  • Coklat rice/gula manik warna-warni
  • Mangkuk kertas

Cara-cara : 

  1. Campurkan semua bahan-bahan di atas.
  2. Gaul rata.
  3. Masukkan dalam mangkuk kertas.
  4. Hiaskan dengan gula manik warna warni.
  5. Bakar selama 5 minit pada suhu 170degree celcius.



  • Madu 
  • Cornflakes 
  • Papercup 
  • Coklat Rice

  1. Masukkan cornflake dan madu.
  2. Gaulkan
  3. Masukkan dalam papercup dan bakar sekejap. Suhu lebih kurang 160 - 170c lebih kurang 5 minit.
  4. Taburkan coklat rice.


Bahan-bahan ( 1 biji sederhana untuk 8-10 orang )

  • 3 cawan tepong gandum
  • 1/2 cawan serbuk koko
  • 2 cawan gula (castor sugar)
  • 2 sudu teh baking powder
  • (Kesemua bahan ini bolehlah disatukan)
  • 2 cawan air
  • 2/3 cawan minyak masak
  • 2 sudu makan cuka
  • 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
  • (Kesemua bahan cairan bolehlah disatukan)
  • Cokelat urai (untuk hiasan atau apa2 yang disukai)
  1. Masukkan kesemua bahan ke dalam bekas adunan (bahan kering dan bahan cairan)
  2. Putar/pukul sehingga semua bahan rata dan sebati
  3. Masukkan ke dalam acuan yang telah disapu dengan margerin (supaya tak lekat) dan bakar sehingga masak (bila masukkan lidi keluar dgn bersih)
  4. Setelah kek masak dan sebelum sejuk bolehah ditaburkan cokolat urai ke atasnya (kalau dah sejuk nanti tak melekat)

Thursday 2 May 2013

40 Fakta Menarik Tentang Lelaki

40 Fakta Menarik Tentang Lelaki yang Wanita Perlu Tahu

1.Lelaki biasanya tidak terpikat terhadap wanita disebabkan mereka cantik, tetapi mereka lebih mudah terpikat terhadap personaliti dan ketrampilan seseorang itu.

2.Lelaki amat bencikan lelaki lain yang cuba untuk menggoda kekasih mereka.

3.Apa yang sedang awak lakukan? atau Awak dah makan ke belum? adalah merupakan soalan paling kerap akan ditanya ketika mereka menelefon seorang wanita.

4.Lelaki akan sibuk dengan pekerjaan mereka sepanjang hari, tetapi sebelum tidur, pasti mereka akan memikirkan mengenai wanita yang mereka benar-benar sayang.

5.Apabila lelaki benar-benar sayang terhadap seorang wanita, mereka akan mengabaikan semua karakter negatif yang ada pada wanita tersebut.

6.Lelaki akan membuat seribu satu kesimpulan sekiranya seorang wanita senyum kepada mereka.

7.Lelaki sanggup melakukan apa saja untuk mendapatkan perhatian daripada seorang wanita.

8.Lelaki amat benci apabila wanita menceritakan mengenai kisah bekas teman lelaki mereka.

9.Seorang lelaki mampu menyukai wanita untuk seminit, kemudian terus melupakan mereka.

10.Apabila seorang lelaki bersedia untuk berjumpa ibubapa kekasih mereka, ini menunjukkan mereka benar-benar serius.

11.Lelaki juga akan menangis.

12.Lelaki akan lebih untuk berusaha memikat wanita yang menolak cinta mereka, ini adalah kerana mereka sukar untuk menerima kekalahan.

13.Jangan sesekali memberikan mereka mesej tergantung seperti “Ada sesuatu nk bgtau awak ni…. erm… tapi takpela”. Mereka akan membuat seribu satu andaian dan akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan jawapan.

14.Lelaki akan teruja apabila mendapat sentuhan yang tidak diduga.

15.Lelaki akan menjadi gagap apabila bercakap dengan wanita yang mereka suka.

16.Apabila wanita menyatakan tidak, hati lelaki akan menyatakan ‘ok…. takpe…. cuba lagi esok..’

17.Lelaki amat sayang ibu mereka.

18.Lelaki sanggup mengorbankan makan tengahari mereka semata-mata ingin memberikan wanita beberapa kuntum bunga ros.

19.Lelaki amat sukar untuk difahami melainkan anda seorang pendengar yang setia.

20.Adalah lebih baik anda menguji seorang lelaki itu terlebih dahulu sebelum mempercayainya. Tetapi, pastikan ia tidak mengambil masa yang terlalu lama.

21.Lelaki lebih bersikap terbuka untuk menceritakan hal peribadi mereka.

22.Lelaki amat suka apabila wanita yang menentukan pemakaian mereka.

23.Lelaki tidak suka kekasih mereka mempunyai hubungan dengan orang lain terutamanya kawan lelaki.

24.Apabila lelaki membelikan hadiah kepada wanita, mereka amat risau sekiranya hadiah yang mereka berikan tidak disukai.

25.Lelaki lebih banyak berfikir.

26.Imaginasi lelaki tiada had. Mereka mampu untuk membayangkan apa sahaja.

27.Ketinggian wanita adalah tidak penting, apa yang lebih penting adalah berat mereka.

28.Sukar untuk lelaki untuk melepaskan kekasih mereka terutama apabila sudah bercinta melebihi 3 tahun.

29.Lelaki tidak sukakan wanita yang materialistik.

30.Lelaki memiliki semangat yang kuat untuk berubah dan ianya perlu sokongan yang kuat daripada kekasih mereka.

31.Apabila lelaki menceritakan sesuatu yang serius, berikan perhatian yang sepenuhnya. Ia amat penting.

32.Lelaki lebih gemarkan wanita yang pandai memasak.

33.Jangan sombong, kerana ia akan membuatkan lelaki berusaha untuk memalukan anda.

34.Lelaki belajar mengenai cinta melalui pengalaman, bukan seperti wanita yang belajar mengenai cinta melalui novel yang mereka baca.

35.Lelaki paling tidak suka kekasih mereka keluar bersama lelaki lain berdua walaupun hubungan mereka hanya sekadar kawan.

36.Lelaki akan memaafkan kesalahan yang pertama dibuat, tetapi bukan untuk kesalahan yang kedua.

37. Lelaki tidak suka wanita yang terlampau mengada-ngada.

38. Lelaki tidak suka wanita yang berkira.

39. Lelaki suka kepada wanita yang berdikari.

40. Seseorang lelaki jika sayang pada seseorang wanita, mereka akan perlakukan wanita itu seperti seorang isteri bukan seseorang kekasih.

Koleksi Doa-doa Harian

1. Doa Sebelum Tidur

2. Doa Bangun Tidur

3. Doa Sebelum Makan

4. Doa Selepas Makan

5. Doa Sebelum Masuk Tandas

6. Doa Selepas Keluar Tandas

7. Doa Sebelum Menaiki Kenderaan

8. Doa Penerang Hati

9. Doa Ketika Terjadi Kilat Dan Petir

10. Doa Kepada Pengantin

11. Doa Apabila Menghadapi Tekanan

12. Doa Selamat Dunia Dan Akhirat

13. Doa Memakai Pakaian

14. Doa Ketika Masuk/Keluar Rumah

15. Doa Memulakan Perjalanan

16. Doa Masuk Masjid

17. Doa Keluar Masjid

18. Doa Permulaan Wuduk

19. Doa Selepas Wuduk

20. Doa Lailatur Qadar

21. Doa Ramadhan Hari Pertama

22. Doa Untuk Kebahagiaan Sekeluarga

23. Doa Menghilangkan Marah

24. Doa Mudah Faham Dan Mudah Hafal

25. Doa Perlindungan Untuk Anak-anak

26. Doa Melihat Wajah Di Cermin

27. Doa Membuka Pakaian

28. Doa Ketika Memakai Pakaian

29. Doa Selepas Azan

30. Doa Murah Rezeki

31. Doa Selamat

32. Doa sebelum masuk kelas/dewan peperiksaan

33. Doa ketika sedih dan menerima dugaan

Ciri-ciri wanita idaman lelaki

Wahai wanita, sesungguhnya kejadianmu terlalu unik,tercipta dari tulang rusuk. Adam yang bengkok menghiasi taman-taman indah lantas menjadi perhatian sang kumbang, kau umpama sekuntum bunga, harum aromamu menarik sang kumbang untuk mendekatimu. Namun, bukan semua bunga mampu menarik kumbang jika terdapat cacat cela. Antara ciri wanita idaman lelaki adalah :

1. Berpegang Kepada Agama
Wanita yang berpegang kepada agama mempunyai keperibadian yang unggul. Batas-batas syariat yang dipegang dan terpelihara dalam hidupnya mengangkat martabat dirinya sebagai seorang yang layak dikagumi oleh lelaki. Dia tidak akan melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan syariah Islam. Memang beruntung mana-mana lelaki yang beristeri dengan wanita sebegini.
2. Kecantikan Dalaman
Wanita yang tulen adalah lemah lembut dalam perwatakannya tetapi mempunyai prinsip dalam hidup. Inilah kecantikan dalaman yang dicari oleh ramai lelaki. Kalau cantik, tu dikira sebagai BONUS.
Wanita yang mempunyai kecantikan dalaman tidak akan sesekali menjual maruah dirinya hanya untuk mencari nama dan wang. Mereka tidak akan sesekali tunduk pada nafsu atau berbuat sesuatu semata-mata kerana mahukan harta dan kekayaan.
3. Manja
Lelaki suka wanita yang keanak-anakan atau yang ada sifat manja, supaya lelaki boleh memainkan peranan sebagai pelindung. Namun begitu, sifat manja dan keanak-anakan yang melampau tidak sesuai kerana ia akan menampakkan wanita itu seperti kurang matang.
4. Pandai Menjaga Kecantikan
Lelaki menginginkan wanita yang pandai menjaga kecantikan dirinya. Wanita dan kecantikan memang susah nak dipisahkan. Mereka akan kelihatan bertambah cantik jika bijak menguruskan penampilan diri. Lelaki secara fitrahnya memang mahukan wanita yang pandai menjaga kecantikan, kerana ia akan membuat mereka bangga.
5. Berakhlak Mulia
Wanita yang berakhlak mulia dikenali juga sebagai wanita solehah. Wanita adalah hiasan dunia, tetapi seindah hiasan adalah wanita solehah. Merekalah ibu, isteri, kekasih dan merupakan tunjang kejayaan suami.
6. Tidak Mempamer Keseksian
Lelaki suka menjamu mata dengan melihat aurat wanita, namun tidak suka menjadikanya isteri kerana keindahan diri wanita tu seolah-olah menjadi barang pameran untuk mata semua lelaki.
7. Tidak Cerewet
Lelaki suka pada wanita yang tidak cerewet. Mengapa pula? Sebab wanita yang cerewet boleh merimaskan dan mudah menyebabkan lelaki merasa jemu dengannya. Biasanya, wanita yang cerewet suka mengkritik apa saja yang tidak disenanginya walaupun perkara itu hanyalah perkara kecil.
8. Memahami Lelaki
Wanita yang memahami hati lelaki biasanya mempunyai intuisi yang cukup kuat. Lelaki mengimpikan wanita yang mampu memahami situasinya dalam keadaan suka dan duka. Pendek kata, tanpa perlu bersuara, dia itu sudah dapat membaca riak wajah suaminya. Lantas, bertindak menghiburkan atau memberi kekuatan.
9. Sejuk Mata Memandang
Wanita yang manis wajahnya dan sejuk dipandang mata akan mendamaikan perasaan seorang lelaki. Ciri-ciri Wanita Sejuk Mata Memandang seperti di bawah ini:
  •  Bersopan satun
  • Sentiasa memaniskan wajah
  • Sentiasa memberikan senyuman ikhlas
  • Menutup aurat 
  • Ramah dan mesra
  • Tidak terlalu cemburu
  • Menghormati orang lain
Inilah 9 ciri-ciri wanita yang menjadi idaman lelaki.
Jadikan tips yang terakhir ini sebagai rutin harian dalam hidup. Sebelum tidur, cuba menilai atau memuhasabah diri kita kembali. Cuba lihat di mana kelebihan dan kekurangan diri kita serta apa yang telah kita capai pada hari ini. Andai kita mampu mengatasi kelemahan diri sendiri, teruskan memperbaikinya dengan secara beransuran dan fahami bahawa kelemahan itu wujud supaya kita tahu apa kekuatan diri kita.
Sepertimana Dr Fadhillah Kamsah mendidik jiwa kita agar senantiasa mengamalkan sifat saling memaafi antara satu sama lain pada setiap malam sebelum melelapkan mata dan menikmati alam keindahan bermimpi.
Lantas, gunakan kelebihan dan kekuatan yang ada untuk mencipta kecemerlangan dalam diri untuk kebaikan bersama. Ingatlah bahawa setiap keindahan dan kesempurnaan itu hanya milik sang penakluk jiwa para hamba-hamba-NYA, yakni sang KHALIQ yang Maha Pencipta. Manakala pada kecacatan, keburukan dan kelemahan adalah ciptaan manusia itu sendiri

Friday 19 April 2013

Ciri-Ciri Lelaki Soleh Menurut Al-Quran Dan Hadis

Lelaki soleh yang dimaksudkan di sini ialah seorang lelaki yang beriman, seorang mukmin, bersih daripada segala zahir dan batinnya, mengambil makanan yang bersih dan halal, bukan daripada sumber yang haram. Dia juga seorang yang sentiasa berusaha menjauhkan diri daripada segala perkara mungkar dan menariknya ke arah jurang neraka yang dalam. Lelaki soleh juga seorang lelaki yang sentiasa taat kepada Allah dan RasulNya walau di mana sahaja dan bila-bila masa.
Marilah kita sama-sama meneliti ciri-ciri lelaki soleh seperti yang dimaksudkan di dalam Al-Quran dan Al-Hadis :-

  • Sentiasa taat kepada Allah dan RasulNya.
  • Jihad fisabilillah adalah matlamat hidupnya.
  • Mati syahid adalah cita-cita tertinggi.
  • Sabar dalam menghadapi ujian dan cabaran daripada Allah.
  • Ikhlas dalam beramal.
  • Kampung akhirat menjadi tujuan utama hidupnya.
  • Sangat takut kepada ujian Allah dan ancamannya.
  • Selalu memohon ampun atas segala dosa2nya.
  • Zuhud dengan dunia tetapi tidak meninggalkannya.
  • Solat malam menjadi kebiasaannya.
  • Tawakal penuh kepada Allah dan tidak mengeluh kecuali kepada Allah semata-mata.
  • Selalu berinfak sama ada ketika lapang ataupun sempit.
  • Menerapkan nilai kasih syang sesama mukmin dan ukhuwwah antara mereka.
  • Sangat kuat amar makruf dan nahi mungkarnya,iaitu mengajak ke arah kebaikan dan mencegah perbuatan mungkar.
  • Sangat kuat memegang amanah, janji dan rahsia.
  • Seorang pemaaf dan berlapang dada dalam menghadapi kejahilan manusia,sentiasa saling mengingatkan antara sesama saudara dan tawaduk kepada Allah.
  • Memberikan kasih sayang kepada keluarga.

” Ketahuilah ! Sesungguhnya wali-wali Allah(para kekasih Allah itu), tidak ada kebimbangan(dari sesuatu yang tidak baik) terhadap mereka, dan mereka pula tidak akan berdukacita. ”

” Wahai orang yang mempunyai nafsu mutmainnah (jiwa yang sentiasa tenang). Kembalilah kepada TuhanMu dengan keadaan engkau redha kepadaNya, dan Dia redha kepadamu. Maka masuklah engkau ke dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaKu, dan masuklah ke dalam syurgaKu! ”

Thursday 18 April 2013

Klasifikasi Personaliti dan Ciri-cirinya

Personaliti seseorang individu biasanya dapat dipersepsikan dalam satu kontinum di antara dua kategori yang ekstrim, iaitu introvert dan ekstrovert.

Seseorang individu yang dikatakan introvert ialah orang yang sentiasa menyembunyikan perasaan dan emosinya dalam situasi kenyataan. Dalam interaksi sosial, orang ini tidak banyak bercakap tetapi menumpukan masa mendengar percakapan orang lain. Orang introvert ini mempunyai sikap yang serius, sifat pendiam dan pemalu, kurang bercita tinggi, jarang mengambil inisiatif tetapi sesuaikan diri dalam sistem kehidupan yang teratur.

Orang ekstrovert lebih suka dengan dunia luar daripada dunia dalam. Orang ekstrovert ini aktif dan suka bergaul dengan orang lain, sering suka melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai aktiviti sosial, sering mengambil inisiatif sendiri, sesuai dengan perubahan, cepat menunjukkan perasaannya, tetapi cepat pula mengubahnya.

Bagaimanapun, tiada seorang individu yang benar-benar tergolong sebagai introvert atau ekstrovert sepenuhnya. Sesungguhnya, setiap orang individu mempunyai sesetengah ciri introvert dan ekstrovert, yang terletak pada satu titik dalam kontinum antara kedua-dua kategori tersebut.

Kadangkala, seseorang individu menonjolkan ciri-ciri introvert dalam sesuatu situasi berbeza. Misalnya, seseorang individu menunjukkan sifat periang dan proaktif di rumah dan pendiam di sekolah. Orang yang mempunyai gabungan sifat introvert and ekstrovert dikatakan orang yang mempunyai personaliti ambivert. Orang yang biasanya aktif tetapi sensitif, suka berkawan tetapi ingin bekerja sendirian, biasa bertutur lancar tetapi berfikir baik-baik sebelum memberi pendapat.

Cara-cara Mengendalikan Personaliti Yang Berbeza

  • Murid introvert diberi motivasi untuk melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti pembelajaran dan kokurikulum.
  • Menggunakan murid-murid yang mempunyai sahsiah positif sebagai role model.
  • Memberi peneguhan positif, galakan dan pujian kepada usaha mereka.
  • Melibatkan penyertaan murid-murid introvert dalam aktiviti kumpulan dan aktiviti kokurikulum.
  • Sering menggalakkan murid ekstrovert mengemukakan soalan dalam kelas.
  • Melantik mereka agar membimbing murid sedarjah yang mempunyai ciri introvert dalam aktiviti kumpulan dan kokurikulum.
  • Memberi murid ekstrovert pelbagai aktiviti pengayaan.
  • Menggunakan kaedah inkuiri-penemuan untuk mengajar murid ekstrovert dalam aktiviti pengajaran-pembelajaran.

Monday 15 April 2013

Jobs Interview Questions

Interview Questions and Answers

Interview Questions: Work History

1.    Name of company, position title and description, dates of employment.

Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to be able to review their work history in detail. Be prepared to tell the interviewer the names of the companies you worked for, your job title, your starting and ending dates of employment, how much you earned and what your job entailed.
You'd be surprised how many job applicants fumble when asked about prior employment. Don't be one of them! Refresh your memory prior to the interview by reviewing your resume, so you can speak about your prior work history in detail and accurately.
If you don't have a resume, make sure what you tell the interviewer matches what you filled out on your job application. The best way to prepare is to download a sample job application ahead of time. Complete the sample application and bring it with you when you are applying for employment. This way you will be able to copy the information rather than having to remember dates and other employment information.

2.    What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?
In many cases, interviewers will want to know what you expected from your last job when you were hired, so be prepared to answer the interview question "What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?"
There isn't a right or wrong answer to this question. The best way to respond is to discuss what you expected when you took the job and give examples of how the position worked out for you. If the job wasn't exactly what you expected, it's fine to mention that. However, you should focus on the job itself, not the company, your boss, or your co-workers (if they were a problem). Do be careful how you answer and don't focus too much on the negative. Instead, address the highlights of the job.
When responding, be specific. Prepare some examples to share with the interviewer in advance. For example, if your job involved creating web applications, discuss the specific programs you developed and the responsibilities you were given. If you were provided training and opportunities for professional development to help you achieve your goals, mention that, as well.

3.    What were your starting and final levels of compensation?
Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to be able to provide the details of their compensation history. Be prepared to tell the interviewer how much you earned at each of your prior positions.
Make sure that what you tell the interviewer matches what you listed on your job application. Refresh your memory prior to the interview by reviewing your salary history, so, you can speak in detail and accurately. Don't exaggerate or inflate your earnings. Many employers will check references and confirm your salary history prior to making a job offer. A discrepancy between what you reported and what the employer says could knock you out of contention for the job. The best way to prepare is to download a sample job application ahead of time. Complete the sample application and review it prior to the interview
4.    What were your responsibilities?
When you are asked questions related to your current or previous positions, it's important to be specific and to be positive about what you did in your previous position(s).
The best way to respond is to describe your responsibilities in detail and to connect them to the job you are interviewing for. Try to tie your responsibilities in with those listed in the job description for the new position. That way, the employer will see that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job. Focus most on your responsibilities that are directly related to the new job's requirements.
It's also important to be honest. Don't embellish your job, because you don't know who the hiring manager will be checking with when they check your references.

5.    What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?

When asked the job interview question "How did you handle a challenge?" be sure to include specific examples of how you handled a particular difficult situation. Discuss how you researched the issue and contributed to finding a solution. Examples of good responses include:

·         During a difficult financial period, I was able to satisfactorily negotiate repayment schedules with multiple vendors.
·         When the software development of our new product stalled, I coordinated the team which managed to get the schedule back on track. We were able to successfully troubleshoot the issues and solve the problems, within a very short period of time.
·         A long-term client was about to take their business to a competitor. I met with the customer and was able to change how we handled the account on a day-to-day basis, in order to keep the business.

6.    What have you learned from your mistakes?

When asked the job interview question "What have you learned from your mistakes?" be sure to give examples that turn a negative (a mistake) into a positive.
Examples of good responses include:

·         I think one of the most important things I've learned is persistence. Not to give up too soon, because the solution is probably right in front of me.
·         I have learned to give every person a second chance, because first impressions can often be misleading.
·         I used to think that there was one best solution to a problem, but I've learned that that kind of thinking limits the possibility of great success.

7.    What did you like or dislike about your previous job?

When you're asked what don't like about your previous job, don't be too negative. The reason is that you don't want the interviewer to think that you'll speak negatively about the new job or the company when you're ready to move on, if you get this job. Rather, it makes sense to talk about yourself and what you're looking for in a new role.
Sample Answer
·         I enjoyed the people I worked with. It was a friendly and fun atmosphere and I actually enjoyed going into work each morning. I felt the leadership team was great as well. They knew all of their employees on a first name basis and tried to make those personal connections. I also enjoyed that fact that the office tried to do community outreach with local organizations.
·         One of the reasons I am leaving is that I felt I was not challenged enough at the job. As a fresh face in the working world, the company offers a great opportunity for a good entry level position; however, after being there for so many years, I felt I was not able to reach my full potential because of the lack of challenge and there was no room for advancement in the company. While I did enjoy working there and appreciate the skills I developed while with the company, I feel my skill set can be better utilized elsewhere, where my capabilities are more recognized and there is the opportunity for growth.

8.    What problems have you encountered at work?

Review sample answers to the interview question "What problems have you encountered at work and how did you deal with them?" When you respond, be sure to include a positive outcome to the problems you reference in your answer.

·         I feel that the best way to deal with any challenges is to meet them head on. When I found that one of my colleagues was saying things that weren't true behind my back, I went to him and talked it through. It turned out that he had misunderstood what I had said, and I was able to set the record straight with him, and my supervisor.
·         "Once I found a major flaw in the work of one of the most senior members of the department, which could have been very costly to the company if it had been overlooked. I went directly to him, and called it to his attention so he could fix it before it affected the final outcome.

Job Interview Questions About You

1.     What is your greatest weakness?

When you're asked what your greatest weakness is there are several different ways you can answer, including mentioning skills that aren't critical for the job, skills you have improved on, and turning a negative into a positive.
Non-Essential Skills
An alternative approach is to analyse the key skills and strengths required for the position you are interviewing for and then come up with an honest shortcoming which is not essential for success in that job. For example if you are applying for nursing job, you might share that you are not particularly adept at conducting group presentations. In this case it will be critical to underscore your strength in one to one communication with patients while providing an example of your difficulty with presentations to large groups.

Skills You Have Improved
Another option is to discuss skills that you have improved upon during your previous job, so you are showing the interviewer that you can make improvements, when necessary. You can sketch for employers your initial level of functioning and then discuss the steps you have taken to improve this area and then reference your current, improved level of skill.
If you use this strategy be sure not to mention anything that you improved upon that is related to the job for which you are interviewing. You don't want your qualifications for the job to be questioned.
Turn a Negative into a Positive
Another option is try to turn a negative into a positive. For example, a sense of urgency to get projects completed or wanting to triple-check every item in a spreadsheet can be turned into a strength i.e. you are a candidate who will make sure that the project is done on time and your work will be close to perfect.
Note that the term "weakness" isn't used in the sample answers - you always want to focus on the positive when interviewing.

2.     What is your greatest strength?

"What is your greatest strength?" is one of the easier interview questions you'll be asked. When you are asked questions about your strengths, it's important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the job. The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for.

Sample Answers

·         When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
·         I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and I've earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer.
·         My time management skills are excellent and I'm organized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work.
·         I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations

3.     How would you describe yourself?
Review sample answers to the interview question "How would you describe yourself?" When you respond, keep in mind the type of position you are interviewing for, the company culture, and the work environment. Your answer should help show the interviewer why you're a match for the job and for the company.

·         I'm a people person. I really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different people.
·         I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right.
·         I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best.
·         I'm efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the job.
·         I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner.

4.     Do you work well with other people?

Hiring managers often mention that some of the interview questions which don't typically get the best responses from job applicants are questions about working with others. Companies want to know how you work well with other people and you'll need to say more than you enjoy working with others, which is the standard response.
It's important because even if your role in the company doesn't require a lot of communication, you will still need to deal with those you work with in a professional and personable manner.
In addition, regardless of the job, employers don't want to hire people who are difficult to get along with because that will cause workplace issues and conflicts. It can make sense to screen out applicants who don't have strong people skills, even if they have solid qualifications for the job.
Expanding Your Response
Candidates often say that they "enjoy working with people" but don't explain or expand upon their response. Anyone can say that they work well with people, but it's important to show hiring managers how you accomplish it.
How can you avoid the pitfall of giving a lame interview answer, but still make a viable point about your suitability for jobs requiring lots of interaction with people - and even for jobs which don't? What do you do that makes you a good people person at work? That's what the interviewer wants to know.
What's important is to show your prospective employer the skills you have and how you have used them in the workplace, using real-life examples.
Keys to Responding to Questions
The first key is to specify the types of interactions with people which are attractive to you or at which you are particularly adept. In addition to specifying how you work well with managers, co-workers, customers, vendors and others, you should also speak to what you accomplish during those interactions. Here are some examples:

·         Assessing the skills, personality traits and work ethic of candidates by applying behavioral interviewing techniques.
·         Motivating subordinates to improve performance.
·         Leading group discussions in a way that incorporates diverse views and draws consensus.
·         Developing a comfortable rapport with clients and determining their preferences for products and services.
·         Listening actively and emphatically to encourage clients to share their feelings and problems.
·         Creating and delivering training sessions which engage the audience in active learning.
·         Providing difficult news to employees targeted for layoffs.
·         Mediating conflicts between employees or with clients.
·         Resolving customer complaints with patience and creativity.
Give Examples
The next key to interview success is to give examples of situations at work where you have used these people skills. Prepare concrete examples to convince employers that you actually possess those strengths.
Your examples should convey how, when, and where you applied your skills or interests and the outcomes. Personalize your examples so they reflect your skills and experience as they relate to the job for which you are applying.

5.     Do you take work home with you?
Do you take work home with you is a tricky question, be ready. The longer the answer, the bigger the hole you've dug. Don't waffle and don't give an overly detailed answer with lots of ifs, ands, or buts.
Best Answer

When I need to, no problem. I realize the importance of meeting deadlines and getting work done on time.

6.     How many hours do you normally work?

Be careful before you answer questions about how many hours a week you work. You don't want to be construed as a slacker or as someone who works too many hours. At some companies, the norm is a 40 hour week and everyone goes home on time. At others, everyone might work 50 or 60 hours a week.
However, working a lot of hours isn't necessarily a good thing - it could mean you're not productive enough to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time.
So, unless you're sure about the company culture and expectations, the safest answer is not to mention a certain number of hours. Rather, mention that you work as much as necessary to get the job done.

7.     How do you handle stress and pressure?
A typical interview question, asked to get a sense of how you handle on-the-job stress, is "How do you handle pressure?" Examples of good responses include:

·         Stress is very important to me. With stress, I do the best possible job. The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stress. I need good stress to stay motivated and productive.
·         I react to situations, rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful.
·         I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.
·         From a personal perspective, I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It's a great stress reducer.
·         Prioritizing my responsibilities so I have a clear idea of what needs to be done when, has helped me effectively manage pressure on the job.
·         If the people I am managing are contributing to my stress level, I discuss options for better handling difficult situations with them.
·         I find that when I'm under the pressure of a deadline, I can do some of my most creative work.
·         I'm not a person who has a difficult time with stress. When I'm under pressure, I focus, and get the job done.
·         I find it exhilarating to be in a dynamic environment where the pressure is on.
·         I find a past pace to be invigorating, and thrive when the pressure is on.
·         I've done some of my best work under tight deadlines, where the atmosphere was very stressful.
·         I'm the kind of person who stays calm under pressure, and handles stress fairly easily.
It's a good idea to give examples of how you have handled stress to your interviewer. That way, they get a clear picture how well you can work in stressful situations.

8.     What motivates you?
There isn't a right or wrong answer to interview questions about what motivates you. The interviewer is trying to understand the key to your being successful in the job he is interviewing for, and wants to make sure it's a good fit. Consider, in advance of interviewing, what actually does motivate you and come up with some specific examples to share during the interview.
Your response will vary based on your background and experiences, but, you will want to share your enthusiasm and what you like(d) best about your job. Here are some examples:

·         I was responsible for several projects where I directed development teams and implemented repeatable processes. The teams achieved 100% on-time delivery of software products. I was motivated both by the challenge of finishing the projects ahead of schedule and by managing the teams that achieved our goals.
·         I've always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I'm in. I want to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer.
·         I have always wanted to ensure that my company's clients get the best customer service I can provide. I've always felt that it's important, both to me personally, and for the company and the clients, to provide a positive customer experience.
·         I have spent my career in sales, typically in commission-based positions, and compensation has always been a strong factor in motivating me to be the top salesperson at my prior employers.

9.      What are your salary expectations?

Before you start talking pay (and salary negotiations) with a prospective employer, you need to find out how much the job (and you) are worth. You will need to take the time to research salaries. That way you will be prepared to get what you're worth and to get a job offer that's realistic and reasonable.
Salary Negotiations

Once you know what you should be earning, how do you go about getting it? Start by being very patient. When interviewing for a new position, do your best not to bring up compensation until the employer makes you an offer. If you're asked what your salary requirements are, say that they are open based upon the position and the overall compensation package. Or tell the employer you'd like to know more about the responsibilities and the challenges of the job prior to discussing salary.

Another option is to give the employer a salary range based upon the salary research you've done up front. Once you've received the offer you don't need to accept (or reject) it right away. A simple "I need to think it over" can get you an increase in the original offer.
And if you're ambivalent about the position a "no" can bring you a better offer too. I turned down a position I knew I didn't want, regardless of salary, and received three follow-up phone calls upping the compensation package. Be careful though, if you do definitely need that new job there's a risk that the employer may accept your declining the position and move on to the next candidate.

10.  Tell me about yourself.
You walk into the interview room, shake hands with your interviewer and sit down with your best interviewing smile on. Guess what their first question is? "Tell me about yourself."
Do you "wing it" and actually tell all manner of things about yourself? Will you spend the next 5 minutes rambling on about what an easy-going, loyal, dedicated, hard working employee you've been? If this is the case, you stand a good chance of having bored your interviewer to death thus creating a negative first impression.
Tell Me About Yourself
Because it's such a common interview question, it's strange that more candidates don't spend the time to prepare for exactly how to answer it. Perhaps because the question seems so disarming and informal, we drop our guard and shift into ramble mode. Resist all temptation to do so.
Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.
Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Give them "your synopsis about you" answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, one-sentence description of who you are, your biggest strength and the major benefit that a company will derive from this strength. Here is an example of a Unique Selling Proposition: "I'm a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer's name) during the past 11 years."
What a difference you've made with this statement. Your interviewer is now sitting forward in her chair giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the following sentence: "I'd like to discuss how I might be able to do something like that for you." The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process.
Be Specific
The key is that you must lead with your strongest benefit to the employer. Be specific and don't wander about with some laundry list of skills or talents. Be sure to put a monetary value on your work if at all possible and be ready with details when you're called upon. Give an estimated value to the $$ you've either helped to make or save for your employer.
Be Prepared
When you walk into an interview, remember to always expect the "tell me about yourself" question. Prepare ahead of time by developing your own personal branding statement that clearly tells who you are, your major strength and the clear benefit that your employer received. The advantages of this approach are that you'll quickly gain their attention and interest them in knowing more. You'll separate yourself from your competitors. You'll also have a higher chance of being positively remembered and hired.

11.   What are you passionate about?

When you're asked what you're passionate about during a job interview it's a good opportunity to share what is important in your life. It's also an opportunity to show your dedication and what's important to you.
Your response doesn't need to be work focused, but do be sure that what you share isn't something that could potential cut in to your working hours.
For example, you don't want to say that you're a mountain climber with the goal of climbing Mountain Everest or that you're getting ready for the Tour de France or looking to spend the winter skiing in Aspen.
Sample Answers:

·         One of my greatest passions is helping others. When I was younger, I've enjoyed helping mom with household repairs. As I grew older, that habit grew and I desired to help others as well. I like helping people find solutions that meet their specific needs.
·         I'm passionate about painting. I take an evening art class once a week and try to find time each weekend to paint. Painting is a good way for me to relax and even though I don't have much talent, I do it enjoy it.
·         I lost my father to pancreatic cancer and ever since then, I have spent time volunteering to help raise awareness and funding for cancer research. I volunteer for PanCan, the advocacy group, and I'm part of their volunteer network. One of the things I'm passionate is to assist in finding a cure, however I can.
·         I'm passionate about making a difference. When I'm involved with a project at work I want to do my best to achieve success. I feel the same way about what I do in my personal life.
·         I'm an avid skier and I like to spend weekends and vacations on the ski slopes.

12.  If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?

When asking what you would do if you could relive your life, the interviewer is looking for a flaw in your interview. Always remember, the goal for the first few interviews is to get the next interview. For the interviewer, it is to weed out as many applicants as possible. Here's where a personal answer could work.
Personal Answer
I lost my mother to Alzheimer's. I wish I'd known more about the disease to help me through that difficult time.
Non-personal Answer
Really, nothing. I've learned from each experience I've had.

13.  Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?

When the interviewer asks "Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?" he or she wants to know if you're a team player or would rather work on your own.
Best Answers

I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. In researching the LMN company, your mission statement and the job description, I could see similarities to my previous position where there were some assignments that required a great deal of independent work and research and others where the team effort was most effective. As I said, I'm comfortable with both.
In high school, I enjoyed playing soccer and performing with the marching band. Each required a different kind of team play, but the overall goal of learning to be a member of a group was invaluable. I continued to grow as team member while on my sorority's debate team and through my advanced marketing class where we had numerous team assignments. I'm very comfortably working on a team, but I can also work independently, as well.

14.  Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it.

The question "If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something, how would you handle this?" is asked to find out how you deal with a difficult situation.
Best Answers
·         An answer that works well is: "It depends on the situation and the personality of the supervisor." To elaborate, give examples:
·         My present supervisor does not like to have his authority questioned. He's fairly new on the job and almost all of the people he supervises have been on the job longer than he has. He's never bothered to learn the procedures, how things are done or how the computer system works. But if any of us tell him that how he wants something done won't work, he gets extremely angry. So, I never tell him he's wrong. Never. Whatever he tells me to do, I smile and say "okay." Then if I know a way to get it done that will work, I do it that way, give him the results he wants and never tell him I didn't do it the way he told me to. He got the results and is happy. I saved myself the stress of being yelled at and gave him what he wanted, so I'm happy.
·         My prior superviser was more easy-going and if I told her "you know, I think it might work better if I do what you asked in such and such a way," she say "okay, try it."
·         If I were a new hire on a job, I would probably not question a supervisor because I might think I didn't know enough. Except on the new job I'm going to. The director has admitted that she's new on the job and there are alot of things that a secretary does that she doesn't know how to do, so she will be depending on me to know how to keep the office running.

Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company

1.     What interests you about this job?

When you're asked what interests you about the position you are interviewing for, the best way to respond is to describe the qualifications listed in the job posting, then connect them to your skills and experience. That way, the employer will see that you know about the job you're interviewing for (not everyone does) and that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job.
For example, if you were interviewing for a Human Resources Manager job where you would be responsible for recruiting, orientation, and training, you will want to discuss how you were responsible for these functions in your past positions, and why you are interested in continuing to develop your expertise in Human Resources management.
Another example would be if you were interviewing for a Programmer / Analyst position. In that case, you would mention your interest in learning and excelling at new technologies, your experience in programming new applications, and your interest in and your ability to problem solve.
In all cases, you will want to convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview, along with your solid ability to do the job.

2.     Why do you want this job?

Why do you want this job? Are you prepared to answer this question in an interview? Career expert and author, Joyce Lain Kennedy, shares her best job interview answers to the question "Why do you want this job?"
Keep in mind that you can customize these answers to fit your particular circumstances and the job you are applying for.
Sample answers

·         This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference. As a finance executive well versed in the new stock options law, I see this position as made to order. It contains the challenge to keep me on my toes. That's the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning.
·         I want this job because it seems tailored to my competencies, which include sales and marketing. As I said earlier, in a previous position I created an annual growth rate of 22 percent in a flat industry. Additionally, the team I would work with looks terrific.
·         I well understand that this is a company on the way up. Your Web site says the launch of several new products is imminent. I want be a part of this business as it grows.
·         Having worked through a college business major building decks and porches for neighbors, this entry-level job for the area's most respected home builder has my name on it.
·         As a dedicated technician, I like doing essential research. Being part of a breakthrough team is an experience I'd love to repeat.
·         This job is a good fit for what I've been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of short- and long-term activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term accomplishments make me feel like a billion bucks.
·         I want this job selling theater tickets because I'd be good at it. I'm good at speaking to people and handling cash. I would like a job with regular hours and I'm always on time.
·         Although some companies are replacing Americans with imported low-wage workers, you are standing tall. This company's successful strategies, good reputation and values make it heads and shoulders above its competition.
·         I'd fit right in as a counter clerk in your fine drycleaners. I have observed that the counter clerk position requires competence at handling several activities in quick order -- customer service, payments, bagging and phones. I like multitasking and, as a homemaker, I have a lot of practice in keeping all the balls in the air.
·         The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The buzz on this company is that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.

3.     What can you do for this company?
A typical interview question to discover what assets you have that are specific to the company's goals is "What can you do for this company?"
First of all, be sure to have researched the company prior to the interview, so you are familiar with the company's mission. Respond by giving examples why your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience will make you an asset for the employer.
Take a few moments to compare your goals with objectives of the company and the position, as well as mentioning what you have accomplished in your other jobs. Be positive and reiterate your interest in the company, as well as the job.

4.     Why should we hire you?

A typical interview question, asked to get your opinion, or to validate the interviewer's opinion, on why you would be the best candidate for the position, is "Why should we hire you?"
The best way to respond is to give concrete examples of why your skills and accomplishments make you the best candidate for the job. Take a few moments to compare the job description with your abilities, as well as mentioning what you have accomplished in your other positions. Be positive and reiterate your interest in the company and the position.

5.     What do you know about this company?

A typical job interview question, asked to find out how much company research you have conducted, is "What do you know about this company?"

Prepare in advance, and in a word, research, so, you can provide relevant and current information about your prospective employer to the interviewer. Start by researching the company online. Review the "About Us" section of the company web site. Google the company, read blogs that mention it, and check Discussion Boards and social networking sites.
If you're a college graduate check with the Career Office at your school to see if you can get a list of alumni who work for the company. That's an ideal way to get an insider's view of the employer, and to get information that might not be available elsewhere.
Use the information you have gathered to create a bulleted list of relevant information that you can easily remember during the interview. Taking the time to research will help you make a good impression with how much you know about the company.

6.     Why do you want to work here?

A typical interview question, asked to ensure that you are seriously interested in the job and the company, and to find out how much you know about the company, is "Why do you want to work here?"
The best way to answer this question is, first of all, to be prepared and knowledgeable about the company. Spend some time researching the company (the About Us section of the web site is a good place to start) so you can talk about the benefits of working for this employer.
Compare your goals with objectives of the company and the position, then reiterate why you would be an asset to the employer. Let the interviewer know what you can do for the company, if you get a job offer.
Even though the question is about why you want to work here, you still need to convince the interviewer that hiring you will benefit the company.
Here are sample answers you can use to frame your own response:

·         This company is internationally known for its (widgets), and my experience in the (marketing/planning/production/etc.) of (widgets) has me intrigued by the opportunity this position presents.
·         The businesses in this area are known for their commitment to the community, and I would like the opportunity to participate in making this a better place to live.
·         I am a (widget) connoisseur, and would love the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for (widgets) with customers.

7.     What can you contribute to this company?

A typical interview question to discover how hiring you would benefit the company is "What can you contribute to this company?"
The best way to answer questions about your contributions to the company is to give examples of what you have accomplished in the past, and to relate them to what you can achieve in the future.
Describe specific examples of how effective you have been in your other positions, change you have implemented, and goals you have achieved. Talk about the depth and breadth of related experience that you have.
Also, relate your abilities to the employer's goals. You will want to let the interviewer know that you have the skills necessary to do the job they are hiring for, the ability effectively meet challenges, and the flexibility and diplomacy to work well with other employees and with management.
Sample Answers

·         I'm a hard worker with the experience to get things done efficiently.
·         I can contribute my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a group.
·         I have the experience, contacts, and knowledge to contribute to the rapid growth of this business.
·         Vision. I am experienced in the areas this company needs to grow, and my ability to plan ahead will help facilitate that growth.

8.     Are you willing to travel?

When you are asked about your willingness to travel during an interview, be honest. There's no point in saying "yes" if you would prefer to be home five nights a week.
It is perfectly acceptable to ask how much travel is involved. That way, you can weigh how much you would need to be on the road and make an educated decision as to whether the amount of travel required fits in with your lifestyle.
What's most important is to get a good understanding of what's involved before you are offered the job, rather than being (unpleasantly) surprised after you have already been hired.

9.      How long do you expect to remain employed with this company?

Review sample answers to the interview question "How long do you expect to remain employed with this company?" When you respond, be sure to frame your response so that it's positive.
I've heard applicants say that they only want the job for a short amount of time or are planning to relocate or go back to school. Responses like that aren't going to impress the hiring manager who is looking to hire a long-term employee.
Sample Answers

·         I believe that this company has the capacity to offer me a rich and satisfying career, and I would like to remain employed here for as long as I am having a positive impact.
·         I would like to pursue my career here for as long as I have the opportunity to.
·         I would like to remain employed here for as long as my services are needed.
10.  Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?

It's your turn! As the interview comes to a close, one of the final questions you may be asked is "What can I answer for you?" Have interview questions of your own ready to ask. You aren't simply trying to get this job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess whether this company and the position are a good fit for you.
Here are questions to ask the interviewer so you can ensure the company is a good match for your qualifications and interests.
Interview Questions to Ask the Employer

·         How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?
·         How would you describe a typical week/day in this position?
·         Is this a new position? If not, what did the previous employee go on to do?
·         What is the company's management style?
·         Who does this position report to? If I am offered the position, can I meet him/her?
·         How many people work in this office/department?
·         How much travel is expected?
·         Is relocation a possibility?
·         What is the typical work week? Is overtime expected?
·         What are the prospects for growth and advancement?
·         How does one advance in the company?
·         Are there any examples?
·         What do you like about working here?
·         What don't you like about working here and what would you change?
·         Would you like a list of references?
·         If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?
·         What can I tell you about my qualifications?
·         When can I expect to hear from you?
·         Are there any other questions I can answer for you?
Interview Questions NOT to Ask
·         What does this company do? (Do your research ahead of time!)
·         If I get the job when can I take time off for vacation? (Wait until you get the offer to mention prior commitments)
·         Can I change my schedule if I get the job? (If you need to figure out the logistics of getting to work don't mention it now...)
·         Did I get the job? (Don't be impatient. They'll let you know.)

Interview Questions: The Future

1.     What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you?

One of the interview questions you may be asked is what you are looking for in your next job. The interview wants to know whether your goals are a match for the companies needs.
Best Answers
You can begin your answer with this question: Tell me, Mr./Ms. Interviewer, what is a typical career path at OPL for someone with my skills and experience?
(Based on the answer you can then respond to the original question using the phrases from the answer to frame your response).
What is important to you? Two things are very important to me. One is my professionalism at work; the second is my family life.

2.     What will you do if you don't get this position?
When you're interviewing for an internal position within your company, you may be asked what you will do if you don't get the job. The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advancement opportunity or the company.
Best Answer

I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and with the team would make me the best candidate.
